The objective of this project is to promote economic growth and build resilient livelihoods by empowering communities, particularly vulnerable groups. The aim is to provide them with the necessary resources, skills, and opportunities to improve their economic well-being and create sustainable livelihoods.

To further enhance economic growth and resilient livelihoods, Zumar Foundation is committed to implementing a comprehensive set of strategies that align with both the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Uganda’s vision of socioeconomic development.

By aligning with the SDGs, Zumar Foundation ensures that its interventions are in line with global priorities for sustainable development. This alignment also allows the foundation to benefit from various international frameworks, resources, and collaborations that can further support its efforts.


Strategies for Socioeconomic Development

These strategies aim to address a wide range of economic and social challenges faced by communities:-

Targeted Skills Training Programs

The foundation will identify the specific skills needed in the local job market and design training programs to meet those demands.

Agriculture And Agribusiness Development

Zumar Foundation will promote sustainable agriculture practices and provide training on modern farming techniques, crop diversification, and value addition.

Strengthening Local Institutions And Governance

Zumar Foundation will collaborate with local government authorities, community leaders, and civil society organizations to strengthen local institutions and governance structures.

Financial Inclusion

Zumar Foundation aims to improve access to financial services for underserved communities by promoting financial literacy and establishing community-based saving and lending groups. This enables individuals and small businesses to save, borrow, and invest, thereby stimulating economic growth and creating resilient livelihoods.

Skills Training And Employment Opportunities

The foundation will offer vocational training programs to enhance the employability of community members. It will also collaborate with local industries and businesses to create job placement and internship opportunities for trained individuals.

Empowering Women And Youth

The foundation recognizes the importance of empowering women and youth for economic growth and resilient livelihoods. It will provide education and skills training, encourage leadership and decision-making roles, advocate for gender equality, and challenge social norms to create equal opportunities for all.

Together we can bring more happiness into the lives of others.